- What is the difference between a mulch, compost and organic fertilizer?First of all, all three products are organic products. Mulch is a non fermented and non decomposed product that you may add on top of your soil to protect for instance a flower bed or the bottom of a tree. An organic fertilizer is compost which has a certain level of macro nutrients thus justifying its name “fertilizer”. Compost is a fermented and decomposed product made out of living/bio substances. An organic fertilizer is hence a richer product for the soil.
- Why do we have to use compost?Compost is essential to replace humus and avoid soil erosion. A soil which has not been enriched year after year with compost will dry out overtime and require every year an additional quantity of chemicals every year.
- What’s unique in NAC products?NAC is selling organic fertilizer with high N, P, K content. Up to 9% for our premium brand. It’s a non refined product, sieved at 10mm, thus leaving small pieces of wood in the compost. These small pieces of wood will gradually penetrate your soil providing reserve elements that will be given back overtime to the soil whilst providing aeration and micro ways for the water to run smoothly through the soil. These small pieces of wood will also retain humidity in to the soil facilitating the development of micro organisms.
- Can I use chemicals and compost?Yes you may. Adding compost every year to your soil is a must in order to avoid soil erosion and to replace humus. Ideally you should maximize the use of compost and use chemical fertilizers only to add which you know is essential to a good growth. Chemical fertilizers should be a complement and not the main component of the fertilizers.
- When do I apply compost?You may apply compost all year around, but it’s best to follow the seasoning of your crop and apply it regularly (i.e. 3 times per year if you have a yearly crop).
- How many kilos should I use?Again it depends on a few factors. First the qualities of your soil, then which crop/trees you are growing and thirdly whether you are using only organic fertilizers. If you plan to use large quantities of organic fertilizers we always recommend doing first a soil analysis thus enabling the application of the right quantity. A rubber tree or an orange tree at full maturity may need up to 10 kilos per tree per year with the combined use of some chemicals. We have had good success growing corn with 1 kilo of compost per m2 in a fully organic environment.If you need to replenish your soil you may have to apply 6 to 10 kilos per m2 over a 2 to 3 year period.
In case of doubt, please consult us. We have soil and crop specialists available at any time that will provide sound advice. - Where can I find NAC products?NAC products can only be ordered from our factory at this stage. Please call 08 9264 9922 to place an order or for further inquiries.